Well well…. It is really a great experience to soak my feet in iPhone programming… But, after 3 hours of playing with Objective-C and Cocoa, I was able to get some very simple and completely useless app to work… It does nothing other than displaying a text on button click… Sounds silly right? Yes i know… But, for a java programmer who had never touched Objective-C and Cocoa, I think this as an achievement! :)

Apple’s architecture of keeping UIComponents (xib files) and the operations (on it) separate is good… I can design application screens (in Interface Builder) and write functions in Objective-C independently and then associate them later. This way, there is a lot of scope for reuse… However, this mapping part is bit tricky… It took me some time to understand Outlets and Actions…
There is a loooooooooooooong way from here to my first useful application “Time Tracker” and I hope I will be able to do it in a month’s time given my busy schedule ;)
Following sites were very helpful for me in understanding the basics of Objective-C and Cocoa…
- http://cocoadevcentral.com/d/learn_objectivec/ (This is a great site for someone like me who is completely new to Objective-C and know Object oriented concepts)
- http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?FirstResponder (Got good info about FirstResponder)
- Apple Cocoa and Objective-C documents (These are pretty dull and boring… was not able to continue reading it without falling asleep.. So, i went directly into coding instead of spending much time on these)